We are committed to training pastors and building churches in many places around the world! Ephesians 4:11 tells us that trained ministers establish and develop churches, that reach communities and regions with the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Our Vision is to build Ten (10) buildings in indigenous areas where people can't affford to build, that will be centers of worship and training disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are currently working in Malaw, Africa. Our current projects are pictured above and below.
Read the Update Below for the latest Details!
Use the link below if you want to donate.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
To Donate you can use this Secure Paypal link!
or use Zelle - free to you and us!!!!
Just send the funds to: ceoi@light4.org through Zelle!
Most banks have it. Go to your online banking, register if you don't already have it, then list us as a recipient. You can send funds anytime. They will arrive immediately in our ministry bank account as a donation. Thank you!
Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for this newest Church Build in Malawi! It is almost complete, only needing the concrete floor to be poured. Please pray with us for the completeion.
February, 2024 - Here is another picture of the new Church Build for Pastor Rodney Kapichi, CTC Graduate, and his new congregation. We are looking forward to our trip to dedicate this faciilty and launch the new Christian Training Center in it. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Pastor Rodney Kapichi is trusting the Lord to have a place to teach, train, and deploy people for the Harvest for Jesus Christ. Even in the rainy season, the congregation is preparing the sight for construction, so, as soon as funds are available, and weather permits, they can begin making this evangelistic effort a reality.
Pastor Rodney Kapichi will be so grateul that God's flock will have a place to worship, teach children, train disciples, and send out evangelists. Please pray this project. You can use this link to Donate...thank you.
April 23, 2024 - Praise to Our God and Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, for the completion of this beautiful facility in Malawi, Africa. Services are now being held, a day school for children is underway, and a new Christian Training Center will be launched the first week of May! Glory to God! Please pray as we plan to travel to Malawi in June to dedicate this House of Worship, along with the second church/Christian Training Center under construction, and evangelism of more villages in that beautiful land. Funds are needed to continue this ministry. Thank you in advance for your giving.
God bless you!
February 1, 2024 - Praise the Lord! The work is nearing completion and soon, this place will be filled with people praising God, hearing His Word, Receiving Christ as their Savior, Becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus. Please pray for Pastor Howard as he plans to start a Christian Training Center in this facility that will train and send out more church planters in indigenous areas.
Nov. 1, 2023 - Praise the Lord! The work is nearing completion and soon, this place will be filled with people praising God, hearing His Word, Receiving Christ as their Savior, Becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus. Please pray for Pastor Howard as he plans to start a Christian Training Center in this facility that will train and send out more church planters in indigenous areas.
J Nov. 1, 2023 - esus told us to go into all the world and make disciples baptizing them and teaching them.
This facility will house the disciples of Jesus Christ and a new Christian Training Center, educating new volunteers for the work of evangelism and making of disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, for these dear souls carrying out your Great Commission!
10-5-2023 - Builiding with the handmade bricks produced by the volunteers, the progress continues under the prayerful eyes of Pastor Howard. Soon, this will be a place of Worship and Christian Education protecting the believers from the Monsoon rains.
This is a great undertaking that will greatly impact this village.
I believe this is just the beginning of many wonderful projects that will be accomplished by the Body of Christ. Making disciples of all nations (ethnic groups) is the Great Commission. Here, not only will disiples be made, but pastors will be trained in the new CTC to be held in this building, who will plant new churches and disciple more peoples. PTL!
The people are volunteering and working hard to accomplish this great task.
As you see, beautiful brick is being laed to house the worship and education center.
Soon this village will be a beacon to many other communities in Malawi and around the world.
Let's keep praying and believing for this wonderful work.
Pastor Howard is busy with building project. The Church building is coming together, one brick at a time.
It reminds of Nehemiah and the great group of Jews that returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. Those walls kept the enemies out. So, these walls will be place where people are set free to serve Jesus with all of their hearts.
Thanks to our Missionary, Rev. Dick Christensen, and the great family of God in Malawi for this update. Pastor Howard is seen in front of the existing church. It was totally destroyed by the heavey recent rains. He is seen with bricks that have been cooked and are ready to construct a new 30x60 buildiing with cement floors and metal roof. Please keep him in your prayers.
More bricks! It will take many, many bricks to complete this new church building that will be used for worship, discipleship, community school, and a Christian Training Center to equip pastors, teachers, and workers in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Koinonia Fellowship in Frewsburg, NY! God bless you!
May, 2023. Thanks to our Partners and a special gift from Koinonia Fellowship in Frewsurg, NY, we are under construction on Pastor Howard Phaiya's Church. Please pray with us as they laor to complete this facility that will move them from under the tree, to a place that will protect them from the coming rains! God bless you!
Here is a picture of the site that Rev C referred to in his note, see previous, where our newest church build is happening! Your prayers for the funding of this project are greatly appreciated. If you want to be a giving partner in this church build, please use this link for more information. God bless you!
February 3, 2024
Many exciting things are happening in our ministry in Malawi.
1. The Church being built and pastored by Rev. Howard Phaya, shown in the picture adjacent, is nearing completion. Thanks to the donors and supporters, the Lord is providing a facility for the congregation for worship, hearing the Word of God, children's dayschool, and soon a new CTC training and sending our ministers of the Gospel into the harvest. Now, the new concrete floor has been poured. Priase God for His continued provision!
2. By the Lord's mercy, we were able to send some funds to get the next church started, where Rodney Kapichi ie the pastor, in Chisitu village in Mulanje district, Malawi, Africa. We hope to have pictures of this newest work very soon. Pray with us as we are still in need o the funding for this labor of love in Christ.
3. Kathleen and Rod have been sharing Christ in area parks through concert and brochures. Many have received the gospel and bear witness to the Lord being their hearts. Please pray for those seeds planted that they will bear great fruit! Thank you!!!!!
4, In October we shared a concert at Huron Valley State Correctional in Ypsalanti, MI. Over 400 ladies attended and half of them stood to receive Jesus as their Savior. Please pray for their spiritual growth as they attend our course, Restoring Broken People, church services , and other opporutnities offered.
5. Rod and Kathleen shared in our churches in Angola and Marioin Indiana where the Spirit moved in mighty power, healing bodies and hearts, and setting the captives free. Thank you so much to Pastors Fosters, and Pastors Waymans. You all are pure gold in Christ! We love you!
6. Weekly outreach online has continued in prayer and Bible Study. God is blessing many thourgh this ministry.
6. In December we presented Christmas Concerts at the Charlotte Harbor Rehab Center, where several residence receive the Lord, Gilchrist Park in Punta Gorda, FL where many responded to the gospel, and the Charlotte Correction Institute, where 6 men received Jesus. Please keep all these in your prayers.
September 21, 2023
Ministry continues in many venues -
Online Ministry and Outreach
Weekly online services and Bible Studies are made available through this website, Facebook, Twitter (X), and Youtube. We are sharing Bible Study and Prayer every Tuesday at 6:30 EST, and our LIVE at FiVE Worship on Saturdays! Many are responding and being blessed through this effort.
Sharing in Churches, Prisons, and Conferences
The Lord continues to open doors for sharing the Word of God, praying for people, and encouraging pastors. We have just finished a week of ministry in two churches in Pennsyvania, Oakpointe in New Castle, and Cornerstone Worship Center in Indiana, PA.
Please pray as Kathleen and I launch out on an 18 day outreach campaign. Here's the itenary:
October 1 - Koinonia Fellowship, Frewsburg, NY
October 7 - The Living Room Fellowship, Angola, IN
October 8 - Eastgate Community Church, Marion, IN
October 9-11 - CMI Gobal Ministrerial Conference, Waterloo, IN
October 12 - 2 Restoring Broken People Outreach Concerts, Huron Valley, Ypsalanti, MI
October 14-15 - Fall Creek Community Ch Missions Conference, Dubois, PA
October 16-18 - Rehoboth Missions Conference - Tallapoosa, GA
As mentioned above, we are continuing to seek the Lord for the construction of churches. Many of our CTC graduates are needing facilities for worship and education. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
We are availble to share in your church, community outreach, ministerial conference, or as a consulant in ministry and theology. Let us know how we can serve you and your concerns.
The Lord is with His people! Great Harvest is here! Praise His Name!
John 4:34Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. 35Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! 36And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. 37For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”
March 29, 2023
Update and Report
1. Praise God! God has kept His Word to us! We have received a check from our friends at Koinonia Church in Frewsburg N. Y. to build the next church. Thank you, Pastor Ron Lemon, and congregation, for your faithfulness and generosity. God is using you to extend His Kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth.
So, we are sending the finances to build this church in Malawi. Here is a recap of the details from RevC, our partner in ministry.
The Note from Rev C -
I want to talk with you about an opportunity in Malawi that involves a young pastor by the name of Howard Phaiya. He is a CTC graduate who went into the southern bush area to evangelize an unreached tribal people. He has planted a simple grass hut for a church, and many have come to faith in Christ. However, when the rains comes, they cannot have church as the rain comes through the roof. The church owns the land but needs help with a building. Here is a photo. They would need to build a 30x60' brick or block building with a cement floor and sheet metal roof. He is planning to open a CTC program once they have a decent meeting place.
2. Kathleen and I continue to share God’s Word over the internet on Saturday Nite LIVE at FiVE. Currently we are sharing on “Living in a Contrary Culture”, a study on the Book of Daniel. This informative and compelling Bible Study is being well received as it helps people understand the times we are living in, how God wants us to deal with those being influenced by the present culture of the world system, and to know what God will do in the future. For free notes and to view the video, just go to https://light4life.org/services-and-notes.
3. Worship and Praise – God continues to inspire me in the production of praise and worship music. We have two new songs of praise available for download.
Waves Lapping – A song reflecting on God’s constant provision for us, His Children. This upbeat and joyful song will lift your heart to the Lord and to those who you share it with.
The One Who Cared – A new anthem that shares the work of the Jesus Christ in the hearts of hippies during the “Jesus Movement”, a personal testimony and declaration of the goodness and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Table of Shewbread – a beautiful hymn praising our Lord Jesus for His High Priestly ministry to all believers on a daily and continuing basis. He is good to us to daily intercede for us, cleansing us, giving us our daily bread, and leading us in His ways.
These and others are available for download through our website for an offering of any amount. Here is the link where you can access this ministry.
4. Church and Outreach Services – Kathleen and I continue to be available to share in your church or outreach through music, testimony, and teaching of the Word of God. Please let us know how we can help you reach out to others with the love of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires. You can write articles, long mission statements, company policies, executive profiles, company awards/distinctions, office locations, shareholder reports, whitepapers, media mentions and other pieces of content that don’t fit into a shorter, more succinct space.
Your support by prayer and giving, helps us to reach people around the world. God bless you for your love and generosity.